Friday, December 22, 2006

Eat your green beans, or I'll call Santa...

So. The other night I made dinner, as usual... But something very funny happened. I called Santa to report that Willow was not eating her green beans. He proceeded to tell me that Willow was still on
the "NICE" list, and that if she were to NOT eat her vegetables, she would indeed be struck from the good list, and onto the "NAUGHTY" list.
Well, this conversation was so believable to the outside ear, that Willow did INDEED eat her green beans.

She also asked for more.


TRACI said...

Very Funny!! She is such a cutie pie! Miss you guys! Merry Christmas!

Sarah said...

That is hilarious! I would eat my green beans too, if it meant the difference between gifts from Santa or nothing at all. Naughty or Nice... I think, NICE!!! Thanks Santa Claus!

Sam Brand said...

That is SO funny dude, I hope you have a Merry Christmas too! We love you guys so much!!
