Tuesday, May 16, 2006

"Blogg-a-cane Katrina" vs. "Blog taken by Alien Abduction???"

This morning as I sat down to see what kind of shiz-nezz was on me blog, it wasn't there.
Ouch. I was b-u-m-m-e-d.
Did a hurricane get it??? That was one of the two reasonable answers I could come up with. The other one was this.

My attempt to explain lost blog:

It was abucted by aliens.

Perhaps the guy standing next to the dead alien in the glass box gave the dead alien HIS alien-friends my password and let it loose, before he passed? Or perhaps it was taken by a hurricane... although they haven't really made much of a mark here on the Utah plain.
help me understand what part of the Matrix is me blog at???


TRACI said...

Hey Girl! I was wondering what was up... I'm going to go with Aliens! ;)

Sarah said...

Ya, what the heck happened to it? I think Aliens abducted it too!

Prime said...

The Zen Blog. Put it in a bubble ... and blow it away. =)

Terri said...

I actually used that phrase on Willow the other day!